my oc world

Name: Diana
Age: 26
Gender: nonbinary transfem
Pronouns: she/they
Species: moon fairy
Race: afro-indigenous


Diana is incredibly elegant and graceful, something that often draws others to her. She's an excellent speaker who describes thoughts and ideas with poise and intelligence, something that helps make her a natural leader. She's incredibly motherly and will never hesitate to care for others who need it. Due to her childhood, she's incredibly closed off emotionally, and while she's very kind she rarely ever Revis her emotions or personal thoughts to anyone, struggling to do so even with close family. She strategizes very well, something she often uses to gain favor of others when she needs it.


Diana's parents were native, and very outspoken about issues of human rights and eco preservation. As such, they were often disliked, and Diana grew up getting nasty looks from many in their fairy community. However, growing up she always admired their willingness to speak out for what they believed in and wanted to be just like them. As a teenager she began pursuing being involved in the groups they were involved in, and when she was 15 they adopted her baby sister Rainey, who she loved with all her heart.

However, a year later when she was 16, both her mother and father were killed in a storm that hit the fairy lands.

Devastated, Diana didn't leave the house for almost two weeks, unsure of how to carry on with life and even becoming suicidal. She had no one to turn to due to her family's reputation - and eventually, this caused her to realize that she was Rainey's sole caretaker now, and it was up to her to provide her with the best life possible. As such, she made the decision to work her way up in fairy society however possible.

Despite the stares, the whispers, and the mockery, Diana went out of her way to be sweet and kind to everyone when she went back to school. She listened in on conversations and groups, and learned how to behave in a way that would cause more important people to like her. She had always been a naturally kind person - however, for Rainey's sake, she now more than ever had to build allies so they could survive.

At 18 when she chose her fairy path, Diana chose to become a moon fairy. This was considered a big deal, as moon fairies were often involved in higher up public speaking and community tasks. Many doubted she would get far, but Diana swore to herself that she was going to make her parents proud, and bring herself and her little sister to a place of standing they deserved.

Diana developed her speaking and negotiating skills, and soon began to surpass many of the trainees in her path. Many were beginning to like her, and to offer support to her and her baby sister knowing they lived alone. As much as she responded with appreciation and care, Diana refused to open up to anyone regardless of their kindness, burdened by the memory of how her parents had been treated. When she was 24, she was the first in her path to be offered a position in higher fairy rule, and she accenter.

Despite that she was now beloved by many in the fairy community, Diana was lonely, and still very bitter about her past. The only person she really shows genuine love to is Rainey, who she continues to raise with the same values her parents taught her before they died - independence, creativity, and being true to yourself and your beliefs. She can see Rainey beginning to go through the same struggles she did as a child, and it hurts her - however, she would not have anyone to truly open up to until she met Aoki.

View her gallery here!